Cartago, las minas, el flamenco...

He cambiado de ciudad y de cocina, la cocina de ahora es mas amplia, tiene una encimera de piedra y cuatro hornillas ademas de muchos gabinetes...
La ciudad es mas bien pequeña se llama Cartagena, yo vivo en un pueblo de sus cercania se llama La Unión de tradicion "minera y flamenca".
Cartagena es una ciudad- puerto de mas de 2200 años y el plueblo era una mina de estaño, pirita y plata. sus paisajes son agrestres, hechos de cerros reducidos a martillo y cincel...

jueves, 28 de julio de 2011


Unas amigas de Escocia me pidieron esta receta ya que les parecio interesante, por ello me puse en la industria de traducirla al inglés, aqui les dejo el resultado:

Take a 4 pounds piece of roast beef and make hollows to introduce pieces of red pepper, garlic, olives  and bacon as you like,  (the red pepper and garlic will add sweetness and flavour  and the olives will contribute to  soft the meat thanks to its acidity which will be neutralized during the cooking) Then, put it in a pan and spread with grated red or green pepper, garlic, grinded black pepper. Add a cup of white wine (I prefer the white one, but it could be rose or red as you like). Let it stay for 12 hours at fresh temperature.

- Make a dense syrup with a piece of ½ pound of “panela” (solid reed sugar), solve it by heating with 2 spoons of water in a can,  keep it for the next step.
- Add two spoons of olive oil in a thick bottom pressure pan and heat it, put the piece of meat in it and roll to seal ( you are producing flavour), reserve the liquid where the meat was immersed.
- Once the surface has reached a brownie colour add the syrup slowly. Continue rolling until caramelize the sugar.
- Add the liquid where the meat was immersed, add salt and seal the can.  Cook until soft it (commonly it last 45 minutes if the meat is young, if needed add additional water )
- Once it has been cooked slice it.
- Keep the pan in the fire until reduce the liquid a little more, to thick the sauce mix a small quantity of maizena in two spoons of water and add it slowly while stirring.  Salt and strain the sauce.
- Serve the slices and sprinkle the sauce over them.

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